
卡格® 獎學金2016

卡格® 奖学金2016

Kakato® Scholarship 2016

萬士博(亞洲)有限公司致力以不同的方式對動物福利作多方面的貢獻。2016年我們設立了獸醫學科的獎學金,名為卡格®獎學金,鼓勵一些對動物有愛心並且有志以動物醫療作為職業的香港學生修讀獸醫學位,為動物出一分力。卡格®獎學金將資助整個課程的全數費用(包括學費、住宿、機票、雜費等),讓學生在沒有經濟壓力下入讀台灣大學獸醫學系,實現理想。如欲進一步了解更多資訊,歡迎電郵至scholarship@maxipro-asia.com或致電2328 8626查詢。

万士博(亚洲)有限公司致力以不同的方式对动物福利作多方面的贡献。 2016年我们设立了兽医学科的奖学金,名为卡格®奖学金,鼓励一些对动物有爱心并且有志以动物医疗作为职业的香港学生修读兽医学位,为动物出一分力。卡格®奖学金将资助整个课程的全数费用(包括学费、住宿、机票、杂费等),让学生在没有经济压力下入读台湾大学兽医学系,实现理想。如欲进一步了解更多资讯,欢迎电邮至scholarship@maxipro-asia.com或致电2328 8626查询。

MaxiPro (Asia) Limited is committed to making multifaceted contributions to animal welfare in various ways. In 2016, we established a scholarship program in the field of veterinary science called the Kakato® Scholarship. This scholarship aims to encourage Hong Kong students who have compassion for animals and aspire to pursue a career in veterinary medicine to study veterinary science, enabling them to make a difference in the lives of animals. The Kakato® Scholarship fully covers the expenses for the entire course, including tuition fees, accommodation, airfare, and miscellaneous expenses. It provides students with the opportunity to pursue a veterinary medicine degree at the National Taiwan University without financial burden, allowing them to realize their aspirations. For further information, please feel free to email us at scholarship@maxipro-asia.com or call 2328 8626 for inquiries.