


“The Excellence Brand Award 2021”


Kakato®卡格®高级宠物食品于2021年6月29日举行的《星级优秀品牌大奖2021》中,连续5年荣获「星级宠物食品大奖」。颁奖礼由电讯盈科媒体有限公司主办,表扬企业于瞬息万变的环境下,仍然坚持信念,自强不息,迎难而上,成为令人骄傲的香港品牌。 Kakato高级宠物食品很荣幸再度获奖,肯定我们在落实品牌理念「给宠物健康的选择」所付出的努力。我们会继续勇于尝试,提升品牌的形象和知名度,令更多宠物健康快乐成长。

Kakato Premium Pet Food earned the “Star Pet Food Award” for the fifth consecutive year in the “Star Excellent Brand Award 2021” held on June 29th, 2021.

The ceremony was organized by PCCW Media Co., Ltd., praise companies for their belief in self-improvement, rise to challenges, and becoming a proud Hong Kong brand under the ever-changing environment.

Kakato Premium Pet Food is honored to receive the “Star Pet Food Award” again, affirming our effort in promoting our brand concept “Healthy Food Means Healthy Pets”. We will endeavor to do our utmost to enhance the brand’s image and awareness, let more pets grow up healthily and happily.