

Momi family committed to providing the best hays to clients since the first duty, all Momi hays are certified by the United States Department of Agriculture, to be free from quarantine pests and any chemical which would damage animal's health.

Timothy Hay (First Cut)
Timothy Hay (Second Cut)



Timothy Hay (First Cut)


寵物用的提摩西草通常分一割和二割兩種,春季播種後第一次收割的牧草,稱為一割。 所謂一割,是指播種後第一次收割的牧草。因為從種子直接成長,所以莖粗葉大。但因成長期較短日照不足,所以莖幹較多、顏色較 二割淺而香味也較清淡。纖維質高,蛋白質低,梗粗葉長有花穗,香味清爽。


宠物用的提摩西草通常分一割和二割两种,春季播种后第一次收割的牧草,称为一割。 所谓一割,是指播种后第一次收割的牧草。因为从种子直接成长,所以茎粗叶大。但因成长期较短日照不足,所以茎干较多、颜色较 二割浅而香味也较清淡。纤维质高,蛋白质低,梗粗叶长有花穗,香味清爽。

Timothy Hay, originally from Siberia and Europe's cool temperate zones, is now one of the most important grasses worldwide. It is typically planted once every 4 to 5 years, as it has a weaker regrowth capability, allowing for a maximum of three harvests per year.

For pet use, Timothy hay is commonly classified as either "one cut" or "two cut". The first harvest of grass after spring seeding is known as the "1st Cut." It refers to the grass harvested for the first time after seeding. As it grows directly from the seed, the stems are thicker and leaves are larger. However, due to the shorter growing period and insufficient daylight, there are more stems and the color is lighter compared to the "2nd Cut." The aroma is also milder. It has high fiber content, low protein content, long stems with flower heads, and a refreshing scent.

Momi's Timothy Hay is originated from the freezing regions of the United States, ensuring excellent product quality. "Two Cut" refers to the grass harvested for the second time after seeding. The grass is softer compared to the "One Cut," with a stronger and sweeter aroma. It contains higher levels of crude protein and fat, providing the daily nutritional needs for adult pets. The soft and sweet dried grass is an irresistible delicacy for herbivorous animals. If pets are not accustomed to eating the coarser stems of the "One Cut" grass, opting for the "Two Cut" with more soft leaves is a good choice.



Timothy Hay (Second Cut)



Timothy Hay, originally from Siberia and Europe's cool temperate zones, is now one of the most important grasses worldwide. It is typically planted once every 4 to 5 years, as it has a weaker regrowth capability, allowing for a maximum of three harvests per year.

For pet use, Timothy hay is commonly classified as either "one cut" or "two cut". The first harvest of grass after spring seeding is known as the "1st Cut." It refers to the grass harvested for the first time after seeding. As it grows directly from the seed, the stems are thicker and leaves are larger. However, due to the shorter growing period and insufficient daylight, there are more stems and the color is lighter compared to the "2nd Cut." The aroma is also milder. It has high fiber content, low protein content, long stems with flower heads, and a refreshing scent.

Momi's Timothy Hay is originated from the freezing regions of the United States, ensuring excellent product quality. "Two Cut" refers to the grass harvested for the second time after seeding. The grass is softer compared to the "One Cut," with a stronger and sweeter aroma. It contains higher levels of crude protein and fat, providing the daily nutritional needs for adult pets. The soft and sweet dried grass is an irresistible delicacy for herbivorous animals. If pets are not accustomed to eating the coarser stems of the "One Cut" grass, opting for the "Two Cut" with more soft leaves is a good choice.